Affair-Proof Your Marriage

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Marriage is awesome. The institution is a platform to meet individuals’ needs for companionship. No form of relationship is as intimate as marriage.

Unsatisfying Sex Life?

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One of the ways we express love to our spouse is through sex.

God created us to give and receive love. Our body is designed to experience pleasure, ecstasy, intimacy, and much more throug

Intentional Parenting: Tips To Live By

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Common to every parent is the ambition to produce a well-balanced and successful individual. It takes more than wishes for this desire to translate into reality,

Affirming Your Spouse

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I think it is essential to affirm your spouse regularly and let them know that you see the things they do. It is very healthy for your marriage.

Negative Emotions Are Contagious

Legal and Psychological Ramifications of Infidelity

A couple of times in our marriage, my Boo and I have had experiences of one person having a cold while the other simply catches it a few days after.

Your Wedding Vows

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Have you gone through your wedding vows since the last time you got wedded?

If you were like us, you probably spent weeks or months before you could decide on the vows you wanted to exchange on your wedding day.

Relationship Red Flags

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Often, people don’t set out to go into toxic relationships. While it is normal for every relationship to go through rough waters, there is also a huge difference

Good Communication Precedes Good Sex

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One of the ways we express love to our spouse is through sex.

God created us to give and receive love. Our bodies are designed to experience pleasure, ecstasy, intimacy, and even

Marriage Is An Eye Opener

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Quite several people should be conversant about the phrase, “Love is blind, but marriage is an eye opener”.