Your Wedding Vows

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Have you gone through your wedding vows since the last time you got wedded?

If you were like us, you probably spent weeks or months before you could decide on the vows you wanted to exchange on your wedding day.

There were no android phones some 15 years ago when we were about to get married, internet was such a luxury that you can only visit a cyber cafe to google things, so we were limited with our search for vows samples.

We gathered as many wedding pamphlets as we could get around and started looking through hoping to see what perfectly fit our heart longings. Of course, most were similar.

After a long time, of searching, we resolved to use one.

At first, we wanted to extract the part of …in sickness and in health


Do you remember those strong words that sound as if you are already prompt evil?

But after a year and a decade, I understood better that those words are realities you can never shy away from.

Regardless of how unique your love is, it will face challenges, there will be highs and lows period. Your love will always be tempted, but will your love still stand despite the test?

Action Point

Look out for your marriage vows again, read them over with your spouse, and ask for God’s guidance to see you through the test so that you can keep standing.


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